Meeting documents

  • Meeting of Council, Monday, 16th April, 2018 6.30 pm (Item 27.)


A report was submitted which requested that delegated power be given to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader over the wording of the representations to be made to Government regarding the `minded to` decision on modernising Local Government. The report also sought agreement for a contribution of funds to be allocated towards awareness raising amongst interested parties regards the opportunity to make representations. In addition it was proposed that a member group on MLG be re-established to oversee the processes above.


The proposed decision for consideration before Council had also been considered at the Special Cabinet meeting immediately prior to this meeting where Members had approved the proposals detailed within the report. 


The Leader rose to present the item, and commenced by providing a brief summary of the background. She stated that on 12 March the Secretary of State had announced his "minded to" decision to replace the existing 5 councils in Bucks with a single county wide unitary subject to parliamentary approval. This decision she emphasised was not set in stone, and that the 4 district councils in Bucks were making the strongest possible representations against this decision, prior to 25 May whereby interested parties could make further representations to the Secretary of State.


The Leader went on to explain that she wished to secure the best possible outcomes for the residents of the district, and that in collaboration with the other 3 district councils concerned had jointly procured legal advice regarding the published decision. She also emphasised that the legal advice had made it clear that the Council had a responsibility to ensure that residents and others were aware of the opportunity to make representations. For this purpose, she was seeking to allocate some resources from the Contingency Fund and she also referred to the leaflet that had been distributed to all households in the southern districts of Buckinghamshire. Residents in the northern district of Buckinghamshire would receive the leaflet electronically.    


In her closing remarks she gave mention to the fact that the Government`s proposals would give rise to the biggest change in Local Government in Bucks for over 40 years which would affect the way that local services were provided for residents. It was vital therefore that residents, businesses, public services organisations, community and voluntary groups and charities were made aware of the consequences and given the opportunity until 25 May to put forward their view to the Government. She reiterated that the 4 District Councils did not believe that a single county unitary was in the best interests of those affected.


The Leader subsequently opened up the debate to Members. A number of points were raised.


One Member rose to express the view that the County`s proposals would create local hubs replicating the current system but lacking the democracy, and disregarding the current track record of accountability. As such he did not consider this a good way forward, and strongly supported the Leader`s comments/arguments.

In addition, comments were made during the debate about how the Minister’s proposal for a single unitary was not in accordance with localism, and that 2 unitary councils for Buckinghamshire would provide better services, be more ‘localised’, giving the community a greater say on how services could be run, and be the best results for the residents of Wycombe. It was highlighted that this Council had previously agreed that the 2 unitary model was the correct decision, and that the Council should do everything it could to communicate that message into the community to ensure as many representations are made to that effect as possible the point was also made that there was indeed consensus, in that the 4 District Councils were all in agreement that the 2 unitary model was the way to go, and that it was the County who were not in agreement. It was emphasised that the rationale and the reasoning of the Minister’s ‘minded to’ decision should therefore be questioned and challenged in great detail.


  Another Member stated that whilst he supported the 2 unitary approach providing accessibility and accountability the amount already spent was appalling, and that services should not be bought in but resolved in house.


 In sharp contrast to the views previously put forward, another Member considered that a single unitary super council would deliver services most effectively massively increasing efficiency and also providing the economies of scale benefiting all concerned and saving millions of pounds of taxpayer`s money during a time of severe financial pressure.


Further comments made suggested that the 2 unitary approach would prove the best option for residents, the economy and for the future prosperity of the district. Therefore there was a need to get the public on side thereby creating the opportunity and possibility to having the "minded to" decision changed.


Following some considerable debate it was




(i)             the wording of the representations to be made to the Minister for Housing, Communities and Local Government in relation to his ‘minded to’ decision on single tier arrangements for Buckinghamshire be delegated to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader;

(ii)            an allocation from the corporate contingency as reasonably necessary be made to contribute towards the four District Councils duty to raise awareness amongst residents and organisations in the District about the opportunity to make representations; and

(iii)           a Member group on Modernising Local Government be re-established to act as a consultative body on the wording of representations and awareness raising activity.


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